South Bedfordshire Circuit

Information for Manse Stewards

 Guidelines for Manses 2018

These guidelines have been produced to help Circuit and Manse stewards deal with issues relating to manses. It may not cover all issues in great detail, but is intended to raise awareness and offer guidance.

Topics included are:  Provision of Manses, Purchase of a Manse, Design and Construction of a New Manse, Care and Maintenance of Manses, Letting a Manse, Selling a Manse and Empty Properties.

They are an extract from The Methodist Church Property Handbook - as amended September 2018.

Please click on link below for a copy of the Guidelines for Manses.

Please click:  GUIDELINES

Log Books for Chapels, Manses and Other Property

This is a file for maintaining a record and up to date information on any Methodist property.  There should be a separate file for each property. 

Please click on link below for paperwork to be completed and a list of items that should be included in the log book.

Please click:   LOG BOOK  

Property Checklist for Annual Inspections by the Property Steward

Inspections should be carried out during the light summer evenings.  When the inspections have been carried out - one for each property for which the Circuit Meeting acts as Managing Trustee - it should be forwarded for approval by the Autumn Circuit Meeting

Please click on link below for the Property Checklist.


District Manse Committee - Visit Report and Extract from Standing Orders Relating to Manses

These visits are an expression of the District's pastoral responsibility towards the minister/deacon, his/her family and the circuit.  The detail quinquennial inspection by the circuit inspector will have considered the state of the structure and various installations.  Nevertheless, problems can arise in the course of 12 months and noteworthy items should be recorded. 

Please click on link below for the District Manse Committee Visit Report and the Extract from Standing Orders Relating to Manses.

Please click:  VISIT REPORT

Links to pdfs and CPD guidance relating to Manses.

Guidance relating to Ministers - Charter for Outgoing and Incoming Ministers.

Please click for pdf  Please click on provision of adequate accommodation for Manses below for the third page of this document.

This can also be found on page 744 of CPD.  Please click on link for CPD.

Guidelines on Provision of Adequate Accommodation for Manses

Please click for pdf.   

This can also be found on page 774 of CPD.  Please click on link for CPD.

Standing Order 533 - Manse responsibility of Circuit Stewards

Please click for pdf.

This can also be found on page 484 of CPD.  Please click on link for CPD.

Standing Order 803 & 804 - Accommodation and Furnishing

Please click for pdf

This can also be found on page 621 of CPD.  Please click on link for CPD.

Standing Order 954 - Circuit Property

Please click for pdf

This can also be found on page 658 of CPD.  Please click on link for CPD.